
About the Flight Noise Map Dashboard

Feel free to visit our home page and blog for more info about noise map

Both decibel values and flyovers were within ±2 value difference from the sensor measurement of the data points used in the evaluation. The colors used in the visualisation represent a range of Leq values as follows:

< 50 db (quite rural background noise, library)

50-55 db (office average background noise)

55-60 db (conversational speech)

60-65 db (piano practice)

65-70 db (noisy restaurant)

70 > db (vacuum cleaner)

The noise values reported in this dashboard app are based on the measure Leq. The noise value in each position is calculated based on flight information and other factors. The values were evaluated using real sensor information and airport traffic stats and optimised to provide accurate results.


Thanks to OpenSky Network for allowing us to use their data to map the noise around the world. They do a great work in gathering/cleaning the data and make it available per API. Their community spans the whole world.

Thanks to Lukas Martinelli and his work on noise mapping using Openstreetmap, we were able to use the mbtiles he published on his repo for rendering land noise (road, rail, ...). Land noise is represented by same colors as flight noise. Bare in mind that the land noise is NOT calculated using real traffic data.


All the content, data and visualisation found on this site is under the following license:

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


This tool is developed and maintained by Nawar Halabi. We work with datacater.io to stream flight data for noise estimation. For more info and data requests, please contact Nawar Halabi using the following details.

We also work with GeoSci GmbH who intend to use the data as part of their toolkit of APIs to help home seekers get more info about the geographic location of their properties and more.

Nawar Halabi: nawar.halabi@gmail.com


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Plane (flight noise toggle button)
Car (land noise toggle button)